Muy buenas guapísimas!
Seguro que el
titulo os dejo un poco con la boca abierta y no es para menos, cuando vi esta
mascarilla me quede igual. Sentí mucha curiosidad por ella y como ya os comente
alguna vez soy adicta a las mascarillas y siempre estoy probando nuevas, cosa
que me causa “problemas” que de eso os hablare en el post de fin de año (guiño,

Very good beautiful!
Surely the title left you a little with your mouth open and it is not for less, when I saw this mask I stayed the same. I was very curious about her and as I told you once I am addicted to the masks and I am always trying new, which causes me "problems" that I will talk about that in the post of the end of the year (wink, wink)
gif of cleopatra asterix and obelix
I've been collaborating with Elizavecca for a long time and the truth is that practically almost everything that would do well to my skin I have tried ... if I hear it, one day I will make you my TOP 10 of its products, but now we are going with the product today.
Surely the title left you a little with your mouth open and it is not for less, when I saw this mask I stayed the same. I was very curious about her and as I told you once I am addicted to the masks and I am always trying new, which causes me "problems" that I will talk about that in the post of the end of the year (wink, wink)
gif of cleopatra asterix and obelix
I've been collaborating with Elizavecca for a long time and the truth is that practically almost everything that would do well to my skin I have tried ... if I hear it, one day I will make you my TOP 10 of its products, but now we are going with the product today.
Silky Creamy
Donkey Steam Cream Mask Pack
Esta mascarilla
esta indicada para hidratar en profundidad la piel gracias a la proteína de la
leche, además también lleva colágeno y manteca de karité. Esta indicada para
todo tipo de pieles y más o menos es toda la información que encontré en ingles
o español de esta mascarilla.
Silky Creamy Donkey Steam Cream Mask Pack
This mask is indicated to deeply hydrate the skin thanks to the milk protein, it also has collagen and shea butter. It is indicated for all skin types and more or less is all the information I found in English or Spanish of this mask.
This mask is indicated to deeply hydrate the skin thanks to the milk protein, it also has collagen and shea butter. It is indicated for all skin types and more or less is all the information I found in English or Spanish of this mask.
¿Cómo se usa?
Como todas las
mascarillas tenemos que tener la piel limpia y preparada para la mascarilla.
Sacamos las
mascarilla y nos colocamos en el rostro, dejamos actuar entre 15 y 20 minutos,
así que haceros un te o café y relajaros. En el paquete aun quedara mucha
crema, nos recomiendan que la guardemos en un frasquito y que la usemos para el
Pasado ese tiempo
retiramos la mascarilla y masajeamos.
How is it used?
Like all masks we have to have clean and prepared skin for the mask.
We take off the mask and put on the face, leave on for 15-20 minutes, so make yourself a tea or coffee and relax. In the package there will still be a lot of cream, they recommend that we keep it in a bottle and that we use it for the body.
After that time we remove the mask and massage.
Like all masks we have to have clean and prepared skin for the mask.
We take off the mask and put on the face, leave on for 15-20 minutes, so make yourself a tea or coffee and relax. In the package there will still be a lot of cream, they recommend that we keep it in a bottle and that we use it for the body.
After that time we remove the mask and massage.
El diseño es muy
bonito, en tonos azul pastel y blanco. Como siempre vemos a Piggy, esta vez
disfrazado de burrito y en el centro del paquete vemos unas orejas de burro con
una corona.
Las letras del
producto están en tonos grises.
Como siempre sus
diseños son súper llamativos y casi siempre te da una idea de lo que es o de su
ingrediente principal, algo que me gusta mucho de esta marca, que además de
ofrecer unos productos de calidad se esmeran en hacerlos bonitos.
The design is very beautiful, in pastel blue and white tones. As we always see Piggy, this time dressed as a burrito and in the center of the package we see donkey ears with a crown.
The letters of the product are in gray tones.
As always, their designs are very striking and almost always gives you an idea of what it is or its main ingredient, something that I really like about this brand, which in addition to offering quality products, strive to make them beautiful.
The design is very beautiful, in pastel blue and white tones. As we always see Piggy, this time dressed as a burrito and in the center of the package we see donkey ears with a crown.
The letters of the product are in gray tones.
As always, their designs are very striking and almost always gives you an idea of what it is or its main ingredient, something that I really like about this brand, which in addition to offering quality products, strive to make them beautiful.
Textura y olor
El formato es tipo
tisue y en comparación con las otras que probé en este formato, esta es
bastante más gordita, aun se adapta muy bien a la cara.
La textura es muy
cremosita y tiene un olor muy agradable, entre coco y vainilla, muy suave sin
llegar a empalagar.
Texture and smell
The format is tissue type and compared to the others I tried in this format, this one is much thicker, it still adapts very well to the face.
The texture is very creamy and has a very pleasant smell, between coconut and vanilla, very soft without overcoating.
The format is tissue type and compared to the others I tried in this format, this one is much thicker, it still adapts very well to the face.
The texture is very creamy and has a very pleasant smell, between coconut and vanilla, very soft without overcoating.
¿Cumple su
función? Si, me dejo la piel hidrata y suave durante días, no es que sea la
bomba, pero la sensación que deja en la piel es muy agradable y el olor es
súper rico, además es que tenga suficiente producto para guardarlo para el
cuerpo o usarlo como crema otro día, esta muy bien.
Ahora la gran
incógnita, ¿de verdad lleva leche de burra? Pues parece ser que si, busque y
busque y en todas las indicaciones que leí pone proteína de leche de burra,
solo encontré una donde no dice nada, pero dice que no es testado en
animales…así que…
Does it fulfill its function? Yes, I leave the skin moisturized and soft for days, it is not the pump, but the feeling that leaves the skin is very pleasant and the smell is super rich, it also has enough product to keep it for the body or use I eat another day, it's very good.
Now the big question, do you really have donkey milk? Well it seems that yes, search and search and in all the indications I read donkey milk protein, I only found one where it says nothing, but says it is not tested on animals ... so ...
Does it fulfill its function? Yes, I leave the skin moisturized and soft for days, it is not the pump, but the feeling that leaves the skin is very pleasant and the smell is super rich, it also has enough product to keep it for the body or use I eat another day, it's very good.
Now the big question, do you really have donkey milk? Well it seems that yes, search and search and in all the indications I read donkey milk protein, I only found one where it says nothing, but says it is not tested on animals ... so ...
¿Qué pensáis vosotras?¿Conocéis esta mascarilla?
Ohhh tengo q probarla ya. Q misterio como m dejara la piel
ResponderEliminarFeliz año
¡Hola! ^^
ResponderEliminarQue mascarilla tan curiosa. No sé donde la podría encontrar, pero me encantaría probarla. Yo también me quedo por tu blog :)
Jajaj Leche de Burra, mientras funcione bienvenida sea!!
ResponderEliminarUna mascarilla bastante curiosa. Por como la describes dan ganas de probarla.
Tiene buena pinta. Me gustan mucho este tipo de mascarillas.
Yo probé hace tiempo un jabón de leche de burra pero no conocía la mascarilla. Un beso
ResponderEliminarIt does look pretty and glad it worked. Strange about the donkey milk if it is cruelty free!
ResponderEliminarLa tengo que probar!! Un beso y feliz año 🎁🎉💝
ResponderEliminarhabia oido lo de la leche de burra que era muy buena pero nunca la he probado conque habra que probarla a ver que tal, feliz año
ResponderEliminarChula mascarilla:)
ResponderEliminarNo la conocía, pero parece genial! Un besito
ResponderEliminarSi huele entre vainilla y coco seguro que me gusta. Y al final lo adivine por Instagram, si que era de burra, jejejeje. Bsssss